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Tlos (Saklikent)

Updated: Jan 23

Tlos Antique City: A Glimpse into the Heart of Ancient Lycia

Discover the historical and cultural significance of Tlos, an ancient city that stands as a testament to Lycia's grandeur.


Tlos Antique City, nestled within Yakaköy in Seydikemer county of Muğla Province, is a significant relic of the Xanthos Valley's western Lycian cities. Positioned 17 km east of Kemer town on the Fethiye-Antalya highway, its majestic location amidst the rocky plains offers a breathtaking view and a deep dive into history.

Origins and Historical Significance:

1. Mythological Roots: As per Greek myths, Tlos is named after one of Tremilus and Praxidike's sons. Yet, the real derivation of Tlos is from the Lycian expression 'Tlawa', synonymous with the "Land of Dalawa" in Hittite texts.

2. Pre-Hellenic Era: While Tlos has its mentions in written documents, archaeological findings today trace its existence back to the Hittites. The region's first settlers are believed to date back to this era.

3. Persian and Macedonian Rule: Like its Lycian counterparts, Tlos was under Persian dominance for a prolonged period before Alexander the Great's advent in 333 BC shifted its allegiance to the Macedonian Kingdom.

4. The Lycian Union: In 168 BC, Lycian cities united to form the Lycian Union, granting Tlos the distinction of being one of its six primary cities with three voting rights.

5. Roman Era: By 43 AD, the Roman Emperor Claudius integrated the Lycian Region into the Roman province, yet Tlos retained its importance within the union.

6. Christian Significance: As an essential episcopal center during the Christian Period, Tlos's religious importance persisted until the 12th century.

7. Ottoman Influence: Kanlı Ali Aga, during the 19th century, utilized ancient ruins to construct his castle atop the Tlos Acropolis, underscoring the city's significance even during the Ottoman era.

Archaeological Explorations and UNESCO Recognition:

Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Taner Korkut from Akdeniz University's Archaeology Department, scientific excavations continue to unearth Tlos's monumental structures. Recognizing its immense cultural and historical importance, Tlos Antique City was added to UNESCO's "World Heritage Temporary List" in 2009.


Tlos Antique City, with its myriad of tales from antiquity, invites one and all to step back in time and relive the stories of Lycian civilization. Its blend of historical significance and archaeological wonders makes it a must-visit for those keen to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of the past.



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